Saturday, March 10, 2012

How to Transfer Files to and from your Galaxy Nexus

Add ADB to your PATH

# Ubuntu Users:

sudo gedit .bashrc

# Linux Mint Users:

sudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc

# Make the appropriate changes ie. your username and path to where you keep the Android SDK add it to the bottom of your bashrc file save and close.

# Android ADB
export PATH=$PATH:/home/yourusername/sdk/platform-tools/

# Restart bashrc Ubuntu Users:

source .bashrc

# Restart bashrc Linux Mint Users:

source /etc/bash.bashrc

# Push files to Galaxy Nexus using ADB

adb push /pathtoyourfile(s) /sdcard/directory/

# Pull files from Galaxy Nexus using ADB

adb pull /sdcard/directory/file/ /home/username/directory/


  1. hi mate
    i am using ubuntu and i just bought samsung galaxy note. when i connect it to ubuntu i can only see the folders in removable media but not the file..

    do u have a solution for this?


  2. Lou, can you tell me why the hell mtp is not properly working in linux?
